Dainki Jagran on 19.01.2023
Dainik Jagran

Waiting for the Music Album "Mahiya"

Covered by Dainki Jagran on 19.01.2023

Newswires on 23.12.2023

New Book Release

Covered by Newswires on 2023-2024

The Sambad on 05.01.2023
The Sambad

New Project Strated

Covered by The Sambad on 05.01.2023

Issue Wire on 05.05.2024

Bestseller tag Achieved

Covered by Issuewire on May 2024

American News
The American Times

Release of "The Uncharted Romance"

Covered by The American Times


PR & Awards

Bestseller tag achieved

IssueWire 2024

New Book Release

Daily Times 2024

Film Maker Award


Music Album

DainikJagran 2023

Album Released

Sakala Feb/2023

Excellence Award

RPATech Nov/2022

Project Released

Sambad Feb/2023

IEE Runners-up

GIETU Sep/2020

Film Making Award

MBD Sep/2019